Top 7 Most successful Work Comp lawyers in Arizona!

Are you in need of a skilled and experienced work comp lawyer to represent your case? 

If so, look no further than the top 7 most successful Work Comp lawyers in Arizona. With years of experience and a dedication to their clients’ best interests, these attorneys have established themselves as go-to professionals for all types of workers compensation cases. From advocating for workplace safety regulations to providing legal counsel during appeals proceedings, they are well-versed in the laws governing employee rights and can provide invaluable assistance throughout the entire process. Read on to learn more about each one’s background and qualifications!


1. Steven L. Pines

 With over 30 years of experience fighting for the rights of employees, Steven L. Pines has a long history of success in workers compensation cases. He is highly knowledgeable in all aspects of Arizona’s worker’s compensation laws and regulations, and he is well-regarded by both employers and employees alike. He has successfully argued cases before the Supreme Court of Arizona, as well as several other appellate courts throughout the state.


2. Michael J. Montgomery

 Michael J Montgomery is an experienced Workers Compensation lawyer who takes on difficult cases with enthusiasm and dedication to achieving the best outcomes possible for his clients. He is a skilled negotiator who understands how insurance companies work and he can help employees receive the benefits to which they are entitled. His attention to detail and thorough knowledge of the law ensure that his clients receive fair settlements.


3. David Farrar

 As a former Chairman of the Arizona Industrial Commission, David Farrar is an expert in workers compensation law who can provide sound legal advice for any case. He has years of experience working with employers, unions and employees on all types of cases, from small injury claims to major litigation matters. With a reputation for fairness and diligence, Mr. Farrar is an experienced and trusted advocate for injured workers rights.


4. Robert Wahl

 Robert Wahl is another top work comp lawyer in Arizona who has been helping employees secure their rightful benefits since 1987. He is an experienced litigator and can successfully navigate the legal process to get employees the compensation they deserve. He has a passion for fighting to protect the rights of injured workers, ensuring that they receive fair settlements and justice in their cases.


5. Kelly Doyle

 With over a decade of experience as both an attorney and former insurance adjuster, Kelly Doyle has a unique insight into how employers and insurers operate when it comes to work comp claims. She is highly knowledgeable about Arizona workers compensation laws and regulations, and she is dedicated to helping her clients receive the benefits they deserve. Her well-rounded approach ensures that her clients understand all their options throughout the process.


6. Steven Aakhus

 Steven Aakhus is an accomplished lawyer who has spent more than two decades representing injured workers in Arizona. He is a skilled negotiator who has helped hundreds of employees receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and illnesses. His deep knowledge of the law and commitment to protecting the rights of injured workers make him a powerful advocate for his clients’ best interests.


7. Steven Propp 

With over 25 years experience handling work comp cases, Steven Propp has established himself as one of the top work comp lawyers in Arizona. He takes a unique approach to each case, utilizing his wealth of legal knowledge and negotiating skills to secure positive outcomes for his clients. The workers comp lawyers from California, can explain you how does no win no fee work. He also has an impressive track record litigating difficult cases and can help employers and employees alike understand their rights under the law.


These are just a few of the most successful and experienced work comp lawyers in Arizona. If you’re looking for quality legal representation, these professionals can provide invaluable guidance throughout your case and help ensure that you receive the compensation to which you’re entitled. Contact one of them today to learn more about their services!


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