5 Low Cost Methods To Clean Your Living Room!

Keeping your living room clean and tidy is essential for creating a comfortable atmosphere in your home. 

But it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to cleaning, especially on a budget. Fortunately, there are plenty of low cost methods that you can use to keep your living room looking fresh and inviting without breaking the bank. Here are five simple yet effective ways to get started with cleaning up your living space without spending too much money.


1. Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming is a great way to keep your living room looking tidy without spending a lot of money. Investing in a good vacuum cleaner can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently, while also helping to reduce allergens like dust and pollen in the air. If you don’t have one already, try borrowing one from family or friends to save money on buying one yourself.


2. Use baking soda and vinegar to remove odors 

You don’t need expensive cleaning products to get rid of bad smells in your living room – a simple mixture of baking soda and white vinegar can do the trick! To make the solution, mix 2 parts baking soda with 1 part vinegar in a bowl, then spread it over any smelly areas of your living room. If you need help, visit http://themaidcrew.com/. Leave the mixture for an hour or two, then vacuum up the residue and enjoy the refreshing scent!


3. Remove dust with microfiber cloths

Microfiber cloths are great for picking up dust and other particles that tend to build up around furniture, curtains, and other surfaces in your living room. Opting for reusable ones suggested by http://www.maidthis.com/ pros, instead of disposable can help you save money while still keeping your space clean and dust-free.


4. Use a lint roller to get rid of pet hair

If you have pets at home who love lounging around in your living room, chances are there’s plenty of fur and hair around the place. A lint roller is a great way to quickly remove pet hair without having to break out the vacuum cleaner every time.


5. Keep clutter at bay

 Clutter can make any living room look messy and disorganized, so it’s important to keep it under control. Invest in some storage boxes or baskets that you can use to store away items like magazines, toys, DVDs, etc., and make sure to put things back where they belong after using them. In Oregon look for maid service with good house cleaning cost calculator. This will help your living room stay neat and tidy for longer periods of time!

By following these simple yet effective low cost methods for cleaning your living room, you’ll be able to keep on top of the mess and maintain a clean, inviting space without having to spend too much money. Good luck!


In addition to the five methods mentioned in the answer, there are several other cleaning tools that you can use such as dusters, rags or cloth mops. Be sure to also make use of any items you already have at home such as old newspapers or towels for wiping away dirt and dust. Regularly emptying your vacuum cleaner bag or container will help with overall performance and make sure it lasts longer too. Finally, don’t forget about air fresheners which are an inexpensive way to keep your living room smelling fresh!


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